When the N.Y. State Education Dept. Tried to Censor This Blog
Mr. Dunn's phone call seemed less about correcting an error and more about flexing his NY State Education muscles.
Recently, the New York State Education Department wanted to censor this blog. My friend Phil Bildner, a best-selling young adult novelist who is also an amazing school presenter, asked to write a guest blog entitled Calling Out the Testing Bullies. Phil is a former middle school teacher from New York City, and I highly respect his writing and his opinions.
Phil wrote,
Phil wrote,
"The proliferation of high stakes testing -- mandated standardized assessments with critical consequences for the student, teacher and school-- has led to the inevitable rise of the testing bullies. The testing bullies are the high stakes testing companies. They, along with policymakers and politicians, are harming our children to the point of abuse."
When I posted the blog, I figured I would get some reactions. After all, I know who "follows" me on Twitter and understand that John King, the New York State Commissioner of Education reads my blog. I recently did an interview with him for another publication and he ended the