Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Jerry Jordan on “Work Rules Campaign” for Philadelphia Public Schools PFT president Jerry Jordan today issued the following statement in response to proponents of legislative proposals tying education funding to work rule changes for educators “Filling vacancies by site selection will not improve the quality of teaching and learning in Philadelphia. We know this because 90 percent of vacancies in Philadelphia are filled using the site selection process. It hasn’t had significant impact because even if principals have full autonomy when filling openings at their schools, they still need teachers to apply for those vacancies." “It always comes down to resources—a school that doesn’t have the programs, tools and conditions for a quality education will not receive the same amount of applicants as a school that offers these things." “The effectiveness of a longer school day is also dependent on resources. Until we can ensure that art, music, extracurricular and other programs are brought back to our schools, additional hours would make for a longer school day, but not a better one." “It is troubling enough that a so-called education non-profit is banging the drum for work rule changes that do not raise student achievement or teacher quality. But for these groups to tie adequate education funding to the implementation of more anti- teacher policies than focusing on developing well-rounded, well-prepared students is unconsionable.” "The PFT is sending this message to clarify the misinformation linking any budget or fiscal code deals to their ongoing negotiations in Philadelphia. We are asking lawmakers to oppose any such language being inserted into the fiscal code. These types of back room dealings are underhanded and legislatively not germane to the purpose of the fiscal code."
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