Help Stop Vouchers and Course Choice
Now that the legislature is winding down, most of the remaining decisions will be in establishing budget priorities. Governor Jindal has been successful so far in expanding the funding for a very poorly designed and executed voucher system. The final budget will be negotiated in the next few days to find a compormise between the House and Senate versions of the budget.
The Senate approved budget includes funding for an expanded voucher program even though there is not one shred of evidence that it improves the education of any students. At the same time the Senate approved a $1,000 one time bribe to public school teachers to try to keep them happy while the destruction of public education continues. I don't think that many true professional educators will swallow this hook!
Even though our DOE is doing its best to suppress data related to student performance in the voucher schools, indications are that most voucher students are receiving a substandard education. Take a look at the results of the voucher school described here. None of the schools supplying students to this poor excuse for a
The Senate approved budget includes funding for an expanded voucher program even though there is not one shred of evidence that it improves the education of any students. At the same time the Senate approved a $1,000 one time bribe to public school teachers to try to keep them happy while the destruction of public education continues. I don't think that many true professional educators will swallow this hook!
Even though our DOE is doing its best to suppress data related to student performance in the voucher schools, indications are that most voucher students are receiving a substandard education. Take a look at the results of the voucher school described here. None of the schools supplying students to this poor excuse for a