Commissioner Pryor to Bridgeport Parents: DROP DEAD
by jonpelto

Back when it was Dan Malloy, instead of Dannel, the candidate running for governor said that increasing parental involvement in schools, especially through the utilization of Connecticut’s school governance councils was a high priority. In fact, candidate Dan Malloy even said he’d take the concept of school governance councils statewide, instead of just requiring them in poorer school districts.
When Governor Malloy pushed through his “education reform” bill, he failed to even try to make school governance councils a state-wide requirement but he did increase their role in the state’s 30 (poorer) Alliance School Districts.
Malloy’s bill required that school governance councils be given the opportunity to; (1) to review the fiscal objectives of the draft budget for the school and provide advice before it
Targeting based on credit card use? Forget that – welcome to the new world of massive databases tracking our children’s school test results…
by jonpelto
Coming to your child’s school!
Parents are slowly learning about one of the most disturbing and, quite frankly, scary elements of the education reform movement….giant databases, managed by private companies, that will track our children and their test results.
Here fellow pro-public education columnist Wendy Lecker provides the latest with a column published in the Stamford Advocate and other Hearst Media outlets entitled, Private data on children must stay that way
Many policymakers see technology as the cure-all for any education problem. Thus, states are rushing to test students online, expand online courses to “teach” students and use computers to “prepare” students for college. None of these efforts have been proven successful at improving student learning.
Besides the questionable effectiveness of technology to solve educational woes, the use of computers to collect a wide range of private student data is raising serious privacy alarms. These concerns have been heightened by two major developments: the U.S.