@TCFKSM: Jason Stanford rightly states "Time to Stop Waiting for Superman"
First published on @TCFKSM on May 26, 2013
"According to Whitmire, Rhee and Fenty should have paid heed to the "fears" of African Americans, but not because there were any actual race issues during Rhee's tenure. Racism in DC is all done now--all that racism and "experimentation" is history and happened 1960s and 1970s. According to Whitmire, black people in DC perceived racism under Rhee, but it was all in their over-sensitive, incompetent little heads." — Rachel Levy
As Michelle Rhee's destructive trail of bigotry, deception, and duplicity comes under more and more scrutiny every day, her list of detractors expands, and her reptilian defenders back ever further into their rocky crevices.
The John Merrow work has seemingly given more mainstream writers a license to speak truth to Rhee and her handlers' power. It's nice to know that the dark past when anyone challenging Eli Broad's snarling TFA lapdog was immediately chastised as a strident defender of the status quo by poverty pimps including Jonathan Alter, Alexander Russo, Jay Mathews, and Richard Whitmire is long gone. Now it's open season on the broom
"According to Whitmire, Rhee and Fenty should have paid heed to the "fears" of African Americans, but not because there were any actual race issues during Rhee's tenure. Racism in DC is all done now--all that racism and "experimentation" is history and happened 1960s and 1970s. According to Whitmire, black people in DC perceived racism under Rhee, but it was all in their over-sensitive, incompetent little heads." — Rachel Levy

The John Merrow work has seemingly given more mainstream writers a license to speak truth to Rhee and her handlers' power. It's nice to know that the dark past when anyone challenging Eli Broad's snarling TFA lapdog was immediately chastised as a strident defender of the status quo by poverty pimps including Jonathan Alter, Alexander Russo, Jay Mathews, and Richard Whitmire is long gone. Now it's open season on the broom