Smarter Balanced Practice Tests
The Smarter Balanced Practice Tests are now available for grades 3 through 8 and grade 11 in English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The Practice Tests provide a preview of the Smarter Balanced assessments, but do not reflect the full range of content that students may encounter on the actual assessments. As such, the practice tests should not be used to guide instructional decisions about students. Scoring keys are expected to be available in summer 2013, but no score reports are generated from the Practice Tests. The Practice Tests will be available through summer 2014.
System Requirements
A computer connected to the Internet is required with one of the following Web browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and higher
- Google Chrome 18 and higher
- Apple Safari 5 and higher
- Default Web browsers on iPad and Android tablets
- Smarter Balanced Secure Browser (required for text-to-speech functionality)
An individual user account is not required to take the Practice Tests. Use the GUEST login and session when prompted.
Accessibility and Accommodations
The Practice Tests have general accessibility tools such as highlighting text and zooming content in and out. Also, the following accommodations are available for ELA (grades 4, 7, and 11) and mathematics (grades 3, 7, and 11):
- Text-to-speech
- Braille (mathematics only; ELA braille available June 12, 2013)
- Spanish glossary (mathematics only)
Fall 2013 Enhancements
By fall 2013, the Practice Tests will be augmented with additional features, including:
- Full array of performance tasks for mathematics (including classroom-based activities)
- Classroom-based activities for ELA performance tasks in all grades
- Scoring keys and rubrics for items requiring extended writing
- American Sign Language translation
- Text-to-speech, Braille, and Spanish glossary (mathematics only) for all grades
- Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and 10
Take the Practice Test
Take the Practice Test (use the GUEST login and session)
More Information
Resources and Documentation - User Guide, Classroom Activity Guidelines, and Classroom Activities