Holy Missing Documents, Batman! DOE has no record of inBloom agreement cancellation for student data 'parking'
The late comedian Brother Dave Gardner once said, “I believe if a man’s down, kick him. If he survives it, he has a chance to rise above it.”
As a loyal follower of Brother Dave since my youth of so many years ago, it is not mine to question. I was, after all, brought up in the Baptist Church (but switched to Methodist when I married) where I was taught that faith surpasses all understanding—or something like that.
Read more… 775 more wordsAs a loyal follower of Brother Dave since my youth of so many years ago, it is not mine to question. I was, after all, brought up in the Baptist Church (but switched to Methodist when I married) where I was taught that faith surpasses all understanding—or something like that.
It would be illegal to provide SSN and other data White indicated without a using an MOU agreement. That would constitute identity theft. He is either committing purgery or identity theft based on my understanding of his public