More entries to the one million contest.

Two more entries.
Remember: Deadline is March 31 or the one millionth site visitor, whichever happens first.
Winner gets the t-shirt.
I’ve received word that some people are getting bounced back from WordPress when they try and post. If that happens to you, use my email:
And I’ve changed the rule. As you see, I’ve been getting some limericks from people who aren’t into haiku.
That works for me.
Mike wrote:
There once was a blogger named Fred
Who blog posts nobody read
So Fred got busy
Making Madigan
Who is Ernie Fuhr Jr.?
The IEA posted the Vimeo of Jim Reed this weekend on Facebook. He was reporting on the IEA’s support for a progressive income tax and the return of Lobby Day on May 15th.
Commenting on the post was a guy. Ernie Fuhr Jr.
Commenting on the post was a guy. Ernie Fuhr Jr.
I am a member and I’m a government teacher and here’s my “training session” for you:
1) Please don’t presume that you speak for all of our members when you advocate for another tax increase. I do not recall that you asked my opinion.
2) The state of Illinois doesn’t have a “revenue” problem -they have a “spending problem”! It is NOT a solution to give the crooks in Springfield more of our money to piss away. If you gave them all the money in Illinois, they’d be back in 1 year saying they’re broke again, and the IEA lobbyists
“We don’t have the votes yet.” – Nekritz. Keep calling those legislators.
Queen Pension Buster Democratic Party Senator Elaine Nekritz.
When Illinois’ Democratic Boss Michael Madigan put his pension busting bills up for a vote on Thursday, none could get more than five votes. Sixty votes are needed to pass a bill in the House.
Republicans refused to vote at all.
Queen Pension Buster Democrat Elaine Nekritz admitted there is no legislative support for the bill she and House GOP leader Tom Cross put together.
The one million blog visits contest. The first entries are in!
The first entries have arrived in my contest to celebrate one million blog views.
Submit a Tweet (140 characters) or a haiku (a poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five).
The deadline is March 31 or when the one millionth site visit takes place – whichever comes first.
The winner gets the orange t-shirt.
Perfect for being recognized while standing at the mic at the IEA RA.
The decision of the judges (that’s me) is final.
From Francis1912:
Roar, verbal cannon
Let thoughts and feelings explode
Words will win the war
From Robin:
All I want to know for when I retire and write books, blogs, sagas of struggle and survival, how do you come up with these mishegasses.
From Jane:
I read the Klonsky
which the news of retirement
is helped with his words
From Jon:
Never ending curse …
River running in reverse —
That’s Chicago, Fred ❢
From Glen:
There once was a blogger named Klonsky,
Who looked at data with esprit.
He created a contest for readers,
To become the new leaders,
But as for the best prize: it’s being a retiree!
Ten minute drawing. Hoover Institute’s Michael Petrilli.
When Illinois’ Democratic Boss Michael Madigan put his pension busting bills up for a vote on Thursday, none could get more than five votes. Sixty votes are needed to pass a bill in the House.
Republicans refused to vote at all.
Queen Pension Buster Democrat Elaine Nekritz admitted there is no legislative support for the bill she and House GOP leader Tom Cross put together.
Cross said lawmakers should instead consider a bipartisan plan unveiled by House members this week. Under that proposal, annual cost-of-living increases would apply to only the first $25,000 of pensions, or $20,000 for those who also receive Social Security. Retirement ages would not rise for people 46 and older,
The one million blog visits contest. The first entries are in!
The first entries have arrived in my contest to celebrate one million blog views.
Submit a Tweet (140 characters) or a haiku (a poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five).

The winner gets the orange t-shirt.
Perfect for being recognized while standing at the mic at the IEA RA.
The decision of the judges (that’s me) is final.
From Francis1912:
Roar, verbal cannon
Let thoughts and feelings explode
Words will win the war
From Robin:
All I want to know for when I retire and write books, blogs, sagas of struggle and survival, how do you come up with these mishegasses.
From Jane:
I read the Klonsky
which the news of retirement
is helped with his words
From Jon:
Never ending curse …
River running in reverse —
That’s Chicago, Fred ❢
From Glen:
There once was a blogger named Klonsky,
Who looked at data with esprit.
He created a contest for readers,
To become the new leaders,
But as for the best prize: it’s being a retiree!
Ten minute drawing. Hoover Institute’s Michael Petrilli.
Click on drawing to enlarge.
This is ISAT testing week in Illinois. The Hoover Institution’s Michael Petrilli thinks that Seattle’s Garfield High teachers should be ashamed of themselves for refusing to take responsibility for their students’ learning. ISAT is a test of teachers taking personal responsibility? I didn’t realize that was what the ISAT was for.
This is ISAT testing week in Illinois. The Hoover Institution’s Michael Petrilli thinks that Seattle’s Garfield High teachers should be ashamed of themselves for refusing to take responsibility for their students’ learning. ISAT is a test of teachers taking personal responsibility? I didn’t realize that was what the ISAT was for.