That smell in the air can only mean one thing: it’s pre-testing time, which means that the real deal, high-stakes testing season, is just around the corner. But how should parents explain to their kids that these tests are really important, and also that the tests are hard because life is hard and if you think that filling in bubbles with a #2 pencil is hard, just wait until you get your first 21st century job with your new skillz. Fortunately you and your young test taker are not alone. The New York City Department of Education has helpfully prepared this
helpful guide so that you can help your 3rd grader prepare for the intensity and excitement of test time.
Note: these are the actual helpful tips merely copied and pasted from the helpful guide.
How should I talk with my child about the new standards? [Cue ominous soundtrack...]
- Begin a conversation by asking your child about what he or she is doing in school. What subjects or assignments are most interesting? Which ones seem harder this year? What feels different from the work she has done in the past?
- Explain to your child that most of the jobs she will want when she grows up will require her to be a good reader and writer. She will need to be able to do math problems that come up in the real world and use