SENATE BILL 5587 regarding student assessment (testing, as in high stakes testing) was introduced by Mercer Island Republican Tom Litzow who was backed during his campaign by Stand for Children. The bill will receive a public hearing on Wednesday, February 13 at 1:30 p.m. by the Senate committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education in SHR 1.
On page 11 of the bill, the following sentence has been struck:
(b) An estimated timeline and costs to the state and to school
5 districts to implement the provisionally adopted standards, including
6 providing necessary training, realignment of curriculum, adjustment of
7 state assessments, and other actions.
What I would want to know as a lawmaker or a taxpaying constituent is how much is this bill going to cost. We are learning that these “assessments” are costing taxpayers a lot of