The language of the Ownership Society
In the Ownership Society, everything is turned upside-down. The new jargon of corporate-style ed reform turns Republican neocons and T-baggers into r-r-r-revolutionaries and democratic educators into "agents of the status quo."
Case in point -- Michelle Rhee, the teacher-bashing, union-hating former D.C. schools boss, is hawking her new book on her StudentsFirst website. The title? "RADICAL". Give me a f#@kn break.
That's right. This adviser to Tea Party govs in Florida and Michigan, now fancies herself as the new Saul Alinsky.
I haven''t read Rhee's book yet. But got this from from Valeria Strauss' review:
Case in point -- Michelle Rhee, the teacher-bashing, union-hating former D.C. schools boss, is hawking her new book on her StudentsFirst website. The title? "RADICAL". Give me a f#@kn break.
That's right. This adviser to Tea Party govs in Florida and Michigan, now fancies herself as the new Saul Alinsky.
I haven''t read Rhee's book yet. But got this from from Valeria Strauss' review:
… There’s hardly any introspection on Rhee’s part as to why she was so widely unpopular with the