#optout why an how in #pennsylvania.
by Timothy D. Slekar
Why Opt Out of PSSAs?
After 11 years of PSSAs, childhood anxiety disorders have dramatically risen. Our children have been denied a fully comprehensive education (reductions or elimination of history, science, art, music, phys ed). Our children are being used to provide data that will label our children, teachers, school, administrators, and community a failure. Our tax money (our money) has been diverted to testing and data management companies instead of schools and children.
How to Opt Out.
1) make an appointment with the school to review the PSSA test.
2) sign a confidentiality agreement.
3) review the tests.
3) write a letter that simply states that participation in PSSAs violates your religious/moral and or ethical principles.
Sample LetterDear Superintendent,Pursuant to Pennsylvania Code Title 22 Chapter 4, section 4.4 (d)(5) I am hereby exercising my right as a parent to have my child excused from any State standardized testing because of religious and philosophical beliefs.
Remember, the school personnel are not allowed to ask you to give specific details about why you are opting out. They are not allowed to threaten you with negative consequences for your child. And Keystones do not count for graduation until 2017.
So before March Madness (PSSA testing) begins please take some time to