Illinois: Time to Rethink Common Core and Slow Down
A reader writes in response to debate about Common Core in Indiana:
Common Core and the PARCC Assessment can only be described with one word in Illinois: daunting.
Illinois school districts are losing resources yearly, state aid being among them. Last year the state prorated its aid to schools at 94%. This year it is expected to be at 89%, and next year it could be as low as 80%. All this as expectations go up.
The little glimpses we’ve received in our numerous staff meetings of the possible PARCC assessment have left us feeling overwhelmed to say the least. Next week the Illinois State Board of Education will vote on whether to
Common Core and the PARCC Assessment can only be described with one word in Illinois: daunting.
Illinois school districts are losing resources yearly, state aid being among them. Last year the state prorated its aid to schools at 94%. This year it is expected to be at 89%, and next year it could be as low as 80%. All this as expectations go up.
The little glimpses we’ve received in our numerous staff meetings of the possible PARCC assessment have left us feeling overwhelmed to say the least. Next week the Illinois State Board of Education will vote on whether to
NYC: Better Than Buffalo?
Jersey Jazzman continues his series of posts in which he closely examines the record of Joel Klein’s tenure as chancellor. One of the claims of that era was: “Look at our scores. We are better than the upstate cities.”
Oregon Accuses Online Charter Founders of $20 million Scam
The state of Oregon accuses two en of scamming the taxpayers by inflating enrollment figures in their online charter schools.
The schools–at least ten of them–were opened in conjunction with local school boards.
Apparently no one was
The schools–at least ten of them–were opened in conjunction with local school boards.
Apparently no one was
Diane in the Evening 1-19-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: Is This Article “Divisive”? by dianerav This is the article that a Rightwing Wisconsin think tank called “divisive.” From what I have seen these past twenty years, charters and vouchers are divisive. What do you think? Indiana: Private and Religious Schools May Lose Independence by dianerav A report from Indiana: Vic’s Statehouse Notes #106– January 17, 2013 Dear Friends, Yesterday’s committee vote on Senate Bill 184, the voucher expansion bill, was delayed until next Wednesday’s meeting. This gives us all more time to send additional messages of oppositi... more »