LA High School Fights Against LAUSD’s Scorched-Earth Restructuring « Classroom Struggle:
LA High School Fights Against LAUSD’s Scorched-Earth Restructuring
A black, brown, and working class school slated for restructuring. Years of neglect and mismanagement by the central district. A top-down, careerist superintendent. Veteran and outspoken teachers at risk for dismissal. And maybe most importantly, parents, teachers, and students fighting back.
This could be describing Oakland but in this case it’s Los Angeles. Right now Crenshaw High School is under threat just as Oakland schools have been. Just as schools in working class, black and brown neighborhoods across the country have been. But at the same time as the corporate-driven austerity (e.g. budget cuts and taking schools out of democratic control) attacks increase, there are signs of increasing fightbacks, such as in Chicago, anti-school closure struggles across the country, and of course here in Oakland. While it’s too soon to say if a movement to defend and transform public education is maturing, it’s never too soon to support others in struggle against the austerity program. So please read this letter from organizers at Crenshaw High, pass it on, and get in touch with the organizers at if you want to involve yourself deeper. An injury to one is an injury to all!The letter follows the introductory paragraphs.