Washington State charter school Initiative 1240 and the lack of accountability
by seattleducation2011
Washington State charter school Initiative 1240 and the lack of accountability
Since 2007, OII ( U. S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement) has handed over $909,000,000 to state education agencies (SEAs) and others (non-SEAs) to open and run charter schools. And true to the Wall Street philosophy of free and unrestricted greed, the OII has provided no oversight, no regulation, and almost no guidance for the hundreds of millions OII is shoveling to the corporate welfare kings who are operating these urban penal schools.Jim Horn, Schools Matter
The proponents of Washington State’s charter school Initiative 1240 talk about how charter schools will be free of public oversight and regulations.
This is correct and because of that, parents and students will have no recourse in terms of what they might consider unfair treatment by a charter school. There will be no Seattle School Board Director to go to for advice or support, no district superintendent to go to, no State Representative to ask for help, not