NJ State Testing Just Washed Away
Now what? Sandy is a game changer here in New Jersey. These endless standardized tests and the mounds of money spent on this garbage is now finally being exposed as the state grapples with no way to administer and account for the VAM, value added measures. How many points for what trauma. The social, psychological, emotional and financial toll from a storm like this one, and how many "points" should be subtracted or added to an already meaningless bean counting machine for children, will be impossible to calculate. This was the perfect storm indeed, the one we needed to get rid of the phony, money grubbing education deformers here in New Jersey. We can only hope they will be washed away into the sewer they created for themselves by forcing mindless crap on America's school children for the past three decades.
Time for the students and parents to just opt out of the stupid tests (go to United Opt Out National ) and just put down your pencils. Then you can begin to think again, learn and innovate and figure out a way to rebuild your
Time for the students and parents to just opt out of the stupid tests (go to United Opt Out National ) and just put down your pencils. Then you can begin to think again, learn and innovate and figure out a way to rebuild your