- Senate Passed Sep 22, 201228 Views
- Senate Passed Sep 22, 201230 Views
- Senate Passed Sep 22, 201234 Views
H.R.6557 - College Cost Reduction Act of 2012
To establish the Higher Education Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish procedures for the presentation and expedited consideration by Congress of the recommendations of the Higher Education Regulatory Reform Task Force, to establish requirements for college cost reduction, and for other purposes. view all titles (2)
Bill Introduced: H.R.6558 Student Financial Aid Simplification Act
To simplify the process for determining the need and eligibility of students for financial assistance under the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes.
Bill Introduced: H.R.6510 Student Loan Prepayment Standardization Act
To require holders of Federal student loans and private education loans to apply prepayment amounts toward loans with the highest rates of interest.