Philly plan to "reform" collective bargaining
The Boston Consulting Group is pushing Philadelphia's school district to "undertake comprehensive collective bargaining reform” with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers and, simultaneously, “pursue legislative changes” in the school code.
According to The Notebook writer Ron Whitehorne, the “reforms” advocated in this document would roll back important protections that are afforded teachers under the school code and union contract.
Writes Whitehorne:
According to The Notebook writer Ron Whitehorne, the “reforms” advocated in this document would roll back important protections that are afforded teachers under the school code and union contract.
Writes Whitehorne:
The attack on tenure and the call for laying off teachers based on performance rather than seniority is another familiar theme that has profound implications. “Performance” is mainly about
Rahm dumped as Obama campaign chair
No wait, the headline is wrong. The latest from Charlotte is that Rahm Emanuel hasn't been dumped. He's been promoted. Yes, that's right. He's moving up the party ladder from campaign chair to fundraiser. If you readthe Washington Post (and who doesn't these days?) that's the story line behind Rahm being dropped as honorary chairman of the Obama campaign. You see, he was removed so he could "help raise big-dollar contributions so that Democrats can compete with what is emerging as a clear GOP fundraising advantage this election cycle." This according to unnamed "campaign and fundraising individuals."
As we all know, campaign chairs can't fund-raise. Right? They're too busy
As we all know, campaign chairs can't fund-raise. Right? They're too busy