FINALLY ! We finally see a group of teachers demanding some respect. Let the Chicago teachers lead the way to a new era of respect for teachers. I’m referring to self-respect. Let’s go all you other teachers. Let this bold strike for respect inspire a whole nation of teachers to demand an end to this teacher bashing, union busting, teacher scapegoating era.
You teachers need to have enough respect for yourself and your profession to fight back at the forces that are using you as scapegoats for every perceived wrong in our society. You need to demand an end to this ridiculous notion that a school and its children can be treated like a business. Demand an end to using test scores as a major evaluation of teachers. You veteran teachers understand the injustice of such a system. Demand an end to the notion of merit pay which demeans and belittles your net worth as a teacher. Refuse to give back hard-
You teachers need to have enough respect for yourself and your profession to fight back at the forces that are using you as scapegoats for every perceived wrong in our society. You need to demand an end to this ridiculous notion that a school and its children can be treated like a business. Demand an end to using test scores as a major evaluation of teachers. You veteran teachers understand the injustice of such a system. Demand an end to the notion of merit pay which demeans and belittles your net worth as a teacher. Refuse to give back hard-