Wait, What? - Working to educate, persuade and mobilize through "perceptive and acerbic" observations about Connecticut Government and Politics:
by jonpelto
Earlier this week, the Connecticut’s governor and legislature agreed to give Bridgeport a “forgivable loan” of $3.4 million dollars in return for giving up the right to choose their own superintendent.
Bridgeport’s schools are facing a deficit of less than 1.5 percent.
There were numerous options, yet the Democrats who lead the state and Bridgeport chose the one that takes away the democratic rights of the citizens of Bridgeport.
Can you imagine the state of Connecticut giving up its sovereign democratic rights for a loan to cover a 1.5 percent revenue shortfall? Connecticut didn’t do that when it had a 30 percent budget shortfall.
Now, new evidence, some of which was published in an article in yesterday’s CT Post