Sunday links.
Rahm brings Chicago together. Chicago cop wearing CTU buttons at teacher demonstration. Photo: John Kugler.
John Dillon’s vocabulary of the day. Hobson’s Choice. The perception of a choice when there really isn’t one.
Diane Ravitch talks about the War on Public Education and Tuesday’s election in Wisconsin on the Ed Show. Excuse the Wal-Mart advertisement.
Matt Farmer can do more than play a mean guitar and give a great speech. He produced the The Electric Rebel Monkeys.
Where are the job losses? In the public sector. We’re talking
John Dillon’s vocabulary of the day. Hobson’s Choice. The perception of a choice when there really isn’t one.
Diane Ravitch talks about the War on Public Education and Tuesday’s election in Wisconsin on the Ed Show. Excuse the Wal-Mart advertisement.
Matt Farmer can do more than play a mean guitar and give a great speech. He produced the The Electric Rebel Monkeys.
Where are the job losses? In the public sector. We’re talking