Please allow me to begin kindly. I could hold Ms. Levesque less responsible for her mistaken words since she has no cousework in education..but why should I? With only a background in finance and business administration,she took the reins along with Latin American Studies major Jeb Bush to guide Florida schools and students into high stakes territory.
During this ride, grade three Reading scores were inflated due to test construction errors, Superintendents cited a lack of confidence in scores received, scanner errors were included in a study as well as lax oversight, a testing investigation led to the suggestion by the investigators that it was unwise to tie so much to a single indicator, and for the finale, Writing proficiency rates dropped from 80% to about 30% in all three grade levels tested...but gets better...have no fear, they were returned to the higher rate in the course of a phone conference. Welcome to the background or setting information.
The PR damage control is in effect. The Education Commissioner toured the state touting high standards and the Common Core.Levesque seemed to follow the same PR line but included an example so bad I had to address it. Yesterday ,in the Gainville Sun article, "The case for standardized testing,' Ms Levesque compares Florida's testing to a