Study: 7.5 million students miss a month of school each year
On any given day, about 90% of USA students come to school — pretty good as attendance goes. But scratch beneath the surface and you may find less flattering figures.
By Chris Landsberger, AP
New research suggests millions of students miss a month of school each year, raising the likelihood they'll fail academically and eventually drop out.
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New research suggests that as many as 7.5 million students miss a month of school each year, raising the likelihood that they'll fail academically and eventually drop out of high school.
The findings, from education researcher Robert Balfanz of Johns Hopkins University, estimate that 10% to 15% of students nationwide are "chronically absent" from school, missing enough class time to be at "severe risk" of dropping out.
Among the biggest dilemmas, he says: Most states don't even measure how many kids miss more than a few days