Charter schools could take funding away from Cumberland County's traditional schools
The Cumberland County school system stands to lose millions of dollars in local, state and federal money if two charter schools open in the county next year.
Supporters of the charter schools counter that the competition will lead to a better education for students.
It's not yet clear how much money the two proposed charter schools - one on Fort Bragg and the other focusing on the arts in downtown Fayetteville - could siphon away from Cumberland County schools.
But county school officials say the system loses about $6,150 in state and local funding for each student attending a charter school. If the student is in a military family, the system loses federal funding.
Frank Till Jr., superintendent of Cumberland County schools, said school officials are looking at the potential effect of the charter schools.
"What we don't know is how many kids would go," he said.
Charter schools do not charge tuition and are open to anyone eligible to attend public schools. They get per-pupil f