Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: News from the war zone
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: News from the war zone: News from the war zone by Mike Klonsky As I'm getting ready to head downtown to support the nurse's protest rally at Daley Plaza, I'm struck by the front page headline in the Sun-Times. Remember Rahm had promised that the city would be "open for business." That the gathering of the NATO war machine would put Chicago on the world map, make it more of a target destination for tourists and shake loose from our "Al Capone" image. The mayor even went so far as to proclaim NATO as a peace group, and the Summit as the scene of the "C... more »
Shanker Blog » Quality Control In Charter School Research
Shanker Blog » Quality Control In Charter School Research: Quality Control In Charter School Research by Matthew Di Carlo [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] There’s a fairly large body of research showing that charter schools vary widely in test-based performance relative to regular public schools, both by location as well as subgroup. Yet, you’ll often hear people point out that the *highest-quality* evidence suggests otherwise (see here, here and here) – i.e., that there are a handful of studies using experimental methods (randomized controlled trials, o... more »
Glen Ford: Corporate Assault on Public Education
In the space of less than 20 years, the public school privatization movement has emerged from the narrow, right wing fringes to dominate both major political parties. From vouchers to school choice to charter schools, the issue has divided even Black Americans, who were once public education's most fervent supporters. Glen Ford explains how this came about by wealthy individuals buying black politicians and promoting their careers, particularly Corey Booker. Glen Ford is a veteran of more than 40 years in broadcast, print and Internet journalism. A former Washington Bureau Chief a... more »
Modern School: What Kind of Union Asks for 10 Furlough Days?—UTLA Does
Modern School: What Kind of Union Asks for 10 Furlough Days?—UTLA Does: What Kind of Union Asks for 10 Furlough Days?—UTLA Does by Michael Dunn There is no question that Los Angeles Unified School District is facing a serious financial crisis. They are millions of dollars in the hole and trying to recoup that money on the backs of teachers. In a particularly audacious attack, they demanded that United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) accept 20 furlough days next year (see 4LAKids Blog), which amount to the loss of nearly a month’s pay or an 8% pay cut. It is easy to appreciate UTLA’... more »
Cullerton threatens retiree benefits in order to prevent a “flood of retirements.” « Fred Klonsky
Cullerton threatens retiree benefits in order to prevent a “flood of retirements.” « Fred Klonsky: Cullerton threatens retiree benefits in order to prevent a “flood of retirements.” by Fred Klonsky *Democratic Senate President John Cullerton.* If as a retired teacher you think the current pension debate doesn’t impact you an any immediate sense, *think again.* You are so wrong, according to Democratic Senate President John Cullerton. Go to 2:26 of the video. Speaking in this interview on pension reform last Tuesday, Cullerton expresses concern that changes to the
School Tech Connect: Cullerton on Pensions
School Tech Connect: Cullerton on Pensions: Cullerton on Pensions by (Tim Furman) Via Glen Brown, via Mike Ellberg: Popout The whole "these people aren't even state employees" fits nicely into the anti-teacher sentiment that's been fanned by Arne Duncan, Jonah Edelman, et al. It's all the rage. The individual sign-up thing is interesting, but I'm still pretty confident that it won't "stand up to constitutional pressure" if it's one of these "sign up and we'll continue to send you checks" type of non-deals.
“Whose School? Our School!” On Pranks, Punishments, and the Campus « Student Activism
“Whose School? Our School!” On Pranks, Punishments, and the Campus « Student Activism: “Whose School? Our School!” On Pranks, Punishments, and the Campus by Angus Johnston On Monday evening a group of six seniors snuck into their Indiana high school. Armed with stationery supplies and a borrowed key, they proceeded to redecorate the place. Nobody was harmed, no actual damage was done. They just slapped up a few thousand Post-Its. The pranksters included the school’s valedictorian, salutatorian, and senior class president. The key came from the mother of one of the students, who w... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Data Driven Decisions For Control or Cover
Missouri Education Watchdog: Data Driven Decisions For Control or Cover: Data Driven Decisions For Control or Cover by Anngie David Clemens of the National Association of Scholars has a great piece about the new "data driven" culture in education. Like him, I think if I hear one more person tell me that their process is data driven I am going to scream. Data, on it its own, is like the wind for a sailboat. It can be used to move you, but without sophisticated equipment and navigation knowledge it tends to just push you in one random direction. Like the wind, data can be manipulat... more »
L.A. students and teachers display learning beyond tests -
L.A. students and teachers display learning beyond tests - L.A. students and teachers display learning beyond tests [image: Eyeballs] About two dozen teachers and their students assembled Thursday after school near downtown to demonstrate academic prowess beyond a standardized test score. Preschoolers from MacArthur Park Primary Center, for instance, had prepared watercolors based on Kandinsky. Dahlia Heights fifth- and sixth-graders demonstrated robotic engineering with Legos. And seventh-graders from Julie Van Winkle’s class at Logan Elementary dissected cow eyeballs.... more »
LACDP Sets the Record Straight in AD 46 and Reasserts Position That Democrats for Education Reform Must Cease Its Disregard for State Law — Los Angeles County Democratic Party
LACDP Sets the Record Straight in AD 46 and Reasserts Position That Democrats for Education Reform Must Cease Its Disregard for State Law — Los Angeles County Democratic Party: LACDP Sets the Record Straight in AD 46 and Reasserts Position That Democrats for Education Reform Must Cease Its Disregard for State Law May 17, 2012 By clarklee Comments (0) [image: DFER Fake Democrats for Education Privatization (click on Picture)] *LOS ANGELES* – Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair and California Democratic Party Vice Chair Eric C. Bauman released the following statement reaffirm...more »
Daily Kos: "... we do not have a sustainable society"
Daily Kos: "... we do not have a sustainable society": "... we do not have a sustainable society" by (teacherken) when too few have too much and too many have too little, we do not have a sustainable society The words are from Bernard Rapoport, known to his friends simply as B. I have been reflecting upon them for the past few days, because of having attended his memorial on Tuesday, about which I wrote yesterday in this post, which I think may be as important as anything I have ever posted here. We are seeing the continued development of an America were too few ... more »
Charters, Ed Coalition at odds over buildings | Thoughts on Public Education
Charters, Ed Coalition at odds over buildings | Thoughts on Public Education: Charters, Ed Coalition at odds over buildings - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] The Education Coalition, the organization that represents mainstream education groups, announced its opposition Thursday to Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to require a school district to offer charter schools any building that it decides it no longer needs. The proposal is one of several that the governor included in his May budget ... more »
School Tech Connect: What Can You Do?
School Tech Connect: What Can You Do?: What Can You Do? by (Tim Furman) From Bob Haisman: What can you do? You don't have to do all - pick one! or two or three! 1. Keep it up! Send another E-mail. Call again. and again and again! 2. Contact five teachers who might be clueless or uninformed or in denial . Convince them, urge them to send an E-Mail! Help them call their legislators. Help them use the ..... "We Are One" ( automated contact system or the IEA system (WWW.IEANEA.ORG)! Legislative staffs are counting the number of ... more »
The Innovative Educator: What makes a great teacher? - A student says, "This!"
The Innovative Educator: What makes a great teacher? - A student says, "This!": What makes a great teacher? - A student says, "This!" by (Lisa Nielsen) *Guest post by Irene, High School Junior* * My old Language Arts teacher never smiled. She kept the blinds closed to keep the sunlight out. She often professed her raging dislike for the art of writing, yet she droned on class after class on the correct format of an outline. I often entertained thoughts that she was an evil witch who fed upon the souls of children. Therefore, you may imagine that after my expe... more »
hctiB G: Education Is Not a “Business” | The G Bitch Spot
hctiB G: Education Is Not a “Business” | The G Bitch Spot: hctiB G: Education Is Not a “Business” by G Bitch originally posted May 8, 2009 The more time you spend in school, the more you see the influence of business practices. … The corporate bible *Good to Great *sits on the bookshelf of nearly every principal, and a lot of Stephen Covey gets quoted at education conferences (98). Jim Collins, the author of *Good to Great*, published a monograph after learning that so many educators and other social service providers were relying on his book. In *Good to Great and the Social S... more »
- The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
- The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: How standardized tests are affecting public schools by Valerie Strauss Florida’s standardized testing program is being misused and has “severely impacted student learning,” according to a new white paper that says that school districts in the state are required to give as many as 62 tests a year to some students. Read full article >> Why college tuitions are rising: A contrarian view Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 3 hours ago This *was written by Gary C. Fethke, professor and former dean of the Henry B. Tippie College of Business at th... more »
Parents Across America: Parent “Choice” is Not Parent “Voice” | Scathing Purple Musings
Parents Across America: Parent “Choice” is Not Parent “Voice” | Scathing Purple Musings: Parents Across America: Parent “Choice” is Not Parent “Voice” by Bob Sikes Influential public school advocacy group Parents Across America weren’t invited to Rep. Duncan Hunter’s House Education and Workforce sub-committee hearing on “Exploring State Success in Expanding Parent and Student Options.” No surprise there. PAA explains why: Yesterday, a subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce held a hearing which was promoted as a discussion on “state efforts to ex... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Jobs for Adults and Teens
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Jobs for Adults and Teens: Jobs for Adults and Teens by Melissa Westbrook From City Year, jobs for adults: It’s an exciting time for City Year Seattle/King County. We are growing, and we are looking for the best talent around to join our team, and we need your help to do so. We are hiring for four different positions: · *Director of Impact,* who will powerfully lead our entire effort and our team in our mission to maximize the number of at-risk kids we bring back on track to graduate. · *Training and Events Senior Manager*, who wi... more »
NYC Educator: Waffles Walcott's Words of Wisdom
NYC Educator: Waffles Walcott's Words of Wisdom: Waffles Walcott's Words of Wisdom by NYC Educator Hi, it's me, your old buddy Dennis "Waffles" Walcott. I've just made a tough statement about teachers, because Mayor Bloomberg thinks the way to support our hard-working staff is to let them know we're working on new ways to fire them, and I agree completely. From now on, get two U-ratings and we'll try to remove you from your job, whether or not your principal thinks it's a good idea. This may be tough, since some of our principals give U-ratings for arbitrary and frivolous reasons, ... more »
Naperville teachers rally. « Fred Klonsky
Naperville teachers rally. « Fred Klonsky: Naperville teachers rally. by Fred Klonsky From the speech by Roger Sanders at the Naperville pension rally Thursday. What needs to be done: First, the Governor needs to get off the corporate welfare wagon, and stop giving millions of dollars in tax breaks to corporations. Second, the General Assembly needs to take a critical look at the state’s tax structure. Third. the General Assembly and the Governor need to get real about spending priorities. Fourth, the General Assembly and Governor need to be serious about reforming the culture of ... more »
Parents sign petition against use of FCAT - Schools -
Parents sign petition against use of FCAT - Schools - Parents sign petition against use of FCAT The petition, gaining traction in parts of Florida and around the country, urges education administrators to rely less on standardized tests and use other measures to evaluate students, schools and teachers. Related Content - FCAT writing scores plummet WEB VOTEMiami-Dade commissioners have agreed to lift the no-housing restriction outside the Urban Development Boundary. Is this a good idea? Yes No MORE INFORMATION TO LEARN MORE Find the resolution here BY LA... more »
Occupy Chicago NATO/G8 Guide |
Occupy Chicago NATO/G8 Guide | Occupy Chicago NATO/G8 Guide by OccupyWallSt [image: Chicago Spring Map] via Occupy Chicago: To better empower travelers and Chicagoans new to Occupy Chicago, we are releasing the Occupy Chicago NATO/G8 Guide. This guide: -Provides travelers with information they need when coming into Chicago, such as how to find housing and food resources -Provides protestors details on their legal rights, a bank of information on all the actions of Occupy Chicago's Ten Days of Action, points of contact useful to protestors, and more. -Presents inform... more »
Big Education Ape Nite Cap UPDATE 5-17-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* [image: DFER Fake Democrats for Education Privatization (click on Picture)] Teachers Teach the Test When the Test Tests Teachers by Duke This morning, the Star-Ledger gave me a gift: the perfect reformy op-ed. I say "perfect" because this piece brings together pretty much every ill-informed and poorly conceived argument for using standardized tests as part of a teacher's evaluation into one place. It's like a Rosetta Stone of reforminess. The author, Marcus Winters, is a think-tanky type, but he has some serious credentials. That says to me that this i... more »