While Rome Burned: Part (Darn, I’ve lost count)
by jonpelto
So despite all the new laws and changes that came after John Rowland resigned, due in part for directing state contracts to certain people, Governor Malloy and Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor were able to run two no bid contracts through a quasi state-entity. Readers will remember that this is really the second and third time the Malloy has used the State Education Resource Center to get no-bid contracts to their colleagues. Steven Adamowski of – I want more pension credits fame – became Malloy’s “Special Master” for the Windham Schools through a no-bid contract via SERC.
Now we learn that by using the “competitive bidding is for weenies school of thought”, state officials retained Leeds Global Partners for $195,000 and a $60,000 contract to DSA Capitol.
By the way, state law does allow a “sole source” contract when a particular vendor is absolutely needed for a specific project and for a specific reason. While the process is relatively easy to use, it does require the state agency to specifically lay out their rationale as to why a contract should be granted on a sole sources basis. For reasons yet to be known, the Administration chose not to follow that process.
Meanwhile, legislative Republicans are happy because staff from Malloy’s office have