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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: America's Global Educational Reform: When the Rule of Law is Ignored and Privatization Overtakes Education.

Missouri Education Watchdog: America's Global Educational Reform: When the Rule of Law is Ignored and Privatization Overtakes Education.:

America's Global Educational Reform: When the Rule of Law is Ignored and Privatization Overtakes Education.

Why don't we just go ahead and abolish Legislatures?  They have lawmaking abilities and duties, but these laws don't make any difference when governmental agencies decide to enact mandates via regulatory authority or ignore existing laws.

We've seen it here in Missouri when Federal grants are given for educational trigger options  bypassing state lawmakers and the implementation of common core standards.  State standards have been trumped by the signing onto common core standards by the governor, DESE and the State Board of Education.  The standards have been crafted by private organizations unaccountable to taxpayers.  It will cost the taxpayers a minimum of $350,000,000 and no citizen input in local school districts, but that's what