Rahm's Rent-A-Preacher and Rent-A-Protest exposed, even to elected state officials
In a reversal of fortunes, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's bullying and union busting tactics have been not only uncovered but challenged by state officials on the Illinois Educational Facilities Task Force and in other contexts. As a result of the January 6, 2012 hearings on the proposed closings of nine Chicago public schools, it was was established again by evidence and eyewitness testimony is that Rahm Emmanuel push to turn over pubic schools to private operators is using text book union busting schemes to get what he wants, including paying poor people to carry signs and "protest" on behalf of his policies and proposals.
One of those who sat with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel at the August 25, 2011 preacher patronage breakfast at Sox Park was Rev. Roosevelt Watkins (above right at the mayor's table), who later was a prime organizer of the "Rent A Protest" groups that picketed the Chicago Board of Education, City Council, and the Chicago Teachers Union during 2011 and in January 2012. Above, left to right (except the bodyguard standing at the far left) are Jean-Claude Brizard, Noemi Donoso, Andrea Saenz, Garry McCarthy, Rahm Emanuel, and Roosevelt Watkins. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.The most disturbing revelations of Chicago's Millionaire Mayor One Percent was the use of paid outside agitators to hold signs, march, and speak in favor of closing public schools and Board of Education officials forging documents to push out homeless students from one school. All of the revelations have come out since New Year's Day, although many of the details had