If I Were A White, Male Middle Aged Forbes Columnist…
Akiba Solomon hits back at Forbes Magazine writer who wrote racist piece “If I Were a Poor Black Kid.”
Colorlines 12/14/2011
In a reaction to President Obama’s big, pragmatic, race-free economic inequality speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, “Forbes” tech writer Gene Marks crafted a recklessly condescending column called “If I Were a Poor Black Kid.” In just two days, this white, middle aged keyboard monkey madness has garnered 518 comments on the site and God knows how many page views. It’s officially Internet catnip.
Now Marks, who in his bio describes himself as “a short, balding and mediocre certified public accountant,” starts off well enough:
The President’s speech got me thinking. My kids are no smarter than similar kids their age from the inner city.