an unusual (for me) Saturday morning
I decided to set no alarms. I first woke up around 4, with two cats on top of me, decided it was too early, went back to sleep without feeding them, and did not finally waken and arise until after 7:30. To my surprise, the cats seemed to realize that I needed the sleep, and were not insistent upon being fed at their normal time of 5 AM. For which I am most appreciative :-)
I also have not scanned news sites or obsessively examined my email. I have not checked for births, deaths and other events of this date.
I know I will have tasks that I must accomplish today, including cleaning the house, getting my glasses adjusted, buying some champagne for the two of us, and perhaps churning out another book review. I must accomplish them, but I do not feel pressed for time.
It is the 365th and final day of this year, and before acknowledging formally with the champagne the change of the final digit of the date I want to devote my Saturday morning meditation to reflecting back on the past year, both as I see the world around me and as I think of myself and my own life.
If you are not interested, I am not offended. If you are only curious, feel free to stop reading at any point.
Perhaps my words will speak to you, perhaps not. You will only know by perusing them.