Can Social Media and School Policies Be "Friends"?
by ASCD Bloggers
This fall, school boards in California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia updated or revised their social media policies. The New York Times reports that many educators are worried overly restrictive policies will remove an effective tool for engagement and staying relevant in an increasingly social and mobile world.
The latest issue of ASCD's Policy Priorities (free) challenges the notion that schools must adopt reactive and restrictive social media policy. It explains current federal legislation, identfies exemplary practices, and suggests a path toward preparing responsible, digitally-literate students.
Do you use social media in your classroom? How do school policies limit or encourage social media?
Crazy Teaching
by ASCD Bloggers
Crazy Teaching is the blogging home of Terie Engelbrecht, who teaches high school science in Marengo, Ill. She also serves as the science division chair and a teacher coach. In her teaching, this Crazy Teacher Lady takes advantage of a...