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Friday, October 14, 2011

Final Thoughts on the Washington State PTA | Seattle Education

Final Thoughts on the Washington State PTA | Seattle Education:

Final Thoughts on the Washington State PTA

The motto of the PTA is “Every child, one voice”.

That sounds nice enough and I can understand the meaning that all children are represented by one organization but they are not. There is inequity and inequality. It also promotes the idea that the PTA stands for all children and parents but they do not yet it is an effective tool to use when these PTA representatives meet with our legislators. The meaning being that whatever the PTA promotes is what all parents and students want but again we know that’s not the case.

Let’s start at the beginning of the membership process. When contacting PTA’s in Seattle to promote my classes as part of the school’s enrichment program, I noticed that there were several schools that did not have PTA’s. These schools were in the financially depressed, mostly minority areas. If there was a PTA, there might