U.S. Department of Education Announces Grants for $25 Million to Charter School Management Organizations
ed.gov - The U.S. Department of Education announced today charter school grants totaling $25 million to replicate and expand high-quality charter schools that have demonstrated success. Today's grants will ...

Conversations Between TFA's Wendy Kopp and NEA's Dennis Van Roekel - Teacher Beat - Education Week
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Conversations Between TFA's Wendy Kopp and NEA's Dennis Van Roekel - Teacher Beat - Education Week:Conversations Between TFA's Wendy Kopp and NEA's Dennis Van RoekelBy Stephen Sawchuk on September ...

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky's blog
preaprez.wordpress.com - Education Action Group’s Ben Velderman strikes again. Thanks goodness for Saturday coffee. This has been a lousy week. Wednesday’s murder of an innocent man, Troy Davis, by the state of Georgia cre...

A New Approach to Teacher Education Reform and Improvement
educationsector.org - Over the next five years, more than a million new teachers will enter public school classrooms. But the system in place to prepare these teachers—supported by an ever-expanding set of federal finan...

The dangers of building a plane in the air - The Answer Sheet
washingtonpost.com - This was written by Carol Corbett Burris, principal of South Side High School in New York. She was named the 2010 New York State Outstanding Educator by the School Administrators Association of New...

House GOP Unveils Plan To Cut NPR, Job Training and Education Programs
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- House Republicans have announced plans to cut heating subsidies for the poor, job training and President Barack Obama's "Race to the Top" program providing grants to better-performing...

New Detroit District Will Include Charters, School Closures
huffingtonpost.com - NEW YORK -- Roy Roberts, a former GM executive, says his first few months on the job as emergency manager of Detroit's public schools have been "like drinking from a fire hose.""I had five weeks to...

Live Twitter stream on
DianeRavitch My visit to Germany:http://t.co/0yY5ydEA2 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Remarks by the President at DNC Event--Private Residence, Washington, DC | The White House -http://t.co/yYuP98K32 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
DianeRavitch @mikeklonsky No Child or Adult Left Untested. This is madness.2 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 If you’re disgusted with the big banks, this is the best email you will read in a long time | Dailycensored.com -http://t.co/XgSPtMOX2 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all

A Call for Opening Up Web Access at Schools, for Learning’s Sake
nytimes.com - Students at Silver Creek High School in Longmont, Colo., held a “graffiti debate” on censorship on Wednesday: Should schools block Web sites? On sheets of white butcher paper hanging in the library...

Assessments of Schools Are Flawed, Report Says
nytimes.com - In 20 years of near-constant reform efforts, Chicago’s elementary school students have made few gains, high school students have advanced, and the achievement gap between poor and rich areas has wi...

Why Achievement Gap Mania Undermines Reform :: Frederick M. Hess
frederickhess.org - by Frederick M. Hess • Sep 30, 2011 at 7:53 amCross-posted from Education Weekhttp://www.frederickhess.org/2011/09/why-achievement-gap-mania-undermines-reformAll right, enough of this already. Th...

SocietySee all
Lawrence O'Donnell Condemns Anthony Bologna, NYPD For Pepper Spray Attack (VIDEO)
huffingtonpost.com - Lawrence O'Donnell Wednesday castigated the police officer who used pepper spray on demonstrators at the Occupy Wall Street protests and the New York Police Department's defense of the officer's co...

Anthony Bologna of NYPD Part of Long History of Police Brutality, Cover-Ups
ibtimes.com - The police brutality witnessed Saturday during the "Occupy Wall Street" protests, in particular the alleged pepper spray attack of several female protestors by Deputy Inspector Anthony Bologna, has...

Pepper Spray and a Police Dept. Whose Power Grows Unchecked
nytimes.com - As a leading expert in government management, Raymond W. Kelly did not disappoint on Wednesday when he was asked about the actions of a senior police commander who pepper-sprayed four protesters st...

PoliticsSee all

wbez.org - We used to be afraid that President George W. Bush, pushed by his nefarious warmongering VP and a Department of Justice that justified medieval tortures, was going to expand executive branch powers...

October to be turning point for progressives | Raw Replay
rawstory.com - Civil rights activist and attorney Van Jones said Thursday night on MSNBC that he planned to build a “progressive counterbalance” to the tea party movement. “I think everybody should hold on to you...

Smaller, Feistier, United Electrical Workers Celebrate 75 Years
labornotes.org - At the first Labor Notes Conference, in 1981, legendary United Electrical Workers organizer Don Tormey called his union “a good deed in a naughty world.”He was quoting Shakespeare, whose Merchant o...

BusinessSee all

Outsize Severance Continues for Executives, Even After Failed Tenures
nytimes.com - The golden goodbye has not gone away. Just last week, Léo Apotheker was shown the door after a tumultuous 11-month run atop Hewlett-Packard. His reward? $13.2 million in cash and stock ...

Ethnic TV Household Grows, Lead by Asian, then Hispanic Families
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 3:46 pm, September 30, 2011 Photo Credits: Hispanic TV Watching Households Increases The number of Hispanic/Latino households in the U.S. for the 2011-2012 TV season will grow by 4.6 p...

Michigan legislature approves spending for high-speed rail line between Detroit and Chicago
democraticunderground.com - Source: mliveMichigan legislature on Wednesday approved a supplemental spending bill that will unlock federal funds to fast-track improvements along the planned high-speed rail line between Detroit...

Art & EntertainmentSee all
I will bring hundreds of thousands to ‘Occupy Wall Street’ | Raw Replay
rawstory.com - Hip hop magnate Russell Simmons said Thursday on MSNBC that he planned on joining the ongoing “Occupy Wall Street” in lower Manhattan. Simmons, who has an estimated net-worth of $340 million, noted...

Teacher punished students for saying ‘Bless You’ in class
latimesblogs.latimes.com - A Vacaville high school teacher said he will come up with a different way to keep order in class after complaints that he was knocking 25 points off the grades of students saying "Bless you" afte...

Home - Inside Higher Ed
insidehighered.com - February 24, 2011 The return of ROTC to some campuses -- seemingly assured by the end of the military's policy against gay service members -- may be hitting a few bumps.More February 24, 2011 City ...

AdultSee all

What’s a Teacher Worth?
movies.nytimes.com - “American Teacher” doesn’t come close to doing what it sets out to do, but it does end up as a heartfelt, bittersweet portrait of several teachers as they make the difficult decision of whether to ...

#eduRead this paperSee all

Wall Street Protest Marches to Police Headquarters | NBC New York
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Wall Street Protest Marches to Police Headquarters | NBC New York:Wall Street Protest Marches to Police HeadquartersBy Chris Glorioso| Friday, Sep 30, 2011 | Updated 6:50 PM EDTView Comments (7)...

Retribalized by My Life’s Soundtrack: “Downtown” | Lefty Parent
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Retribalized by My Life’s Soundtrack: “Downtown” | Lefty Parent:Retribalized by My Life’s Soundtrack: “Downtown”by Cooper ZaleAs I have said before, my life has been lived to a soundtrack. Growing ...

Why Teachers in High-Minority Schools Are Paid Less - Education - GOOD
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Why Teachers in High-Minority Schools Are Paid Less - Education - GOOD:Why Teachers in High-Minority Schools Are Paid Lessby Liz DwyerPlenty of headlines popped up this week about a new analysis of...

#teacherprepSee all