Save Our Schools March: a teacher revolt against Obama education reform
The Save Our Schools March on Washington Saturday is part of a new nationwide push to organize educators against the Obama administration's regime of education reform.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan visits Dayton’s Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary School in Minneapolis. Mr. Duncan has reached out to teachers to acknowledge their concerns but administration policies continue to receive criticism.
Jim Mone/AP/File
What if the education reformers are wrong?
Protesters circled the Capitol in Boise, Idaho, in March to challenge proposed state education reforms that would, in part, tie teacher bonuses to student performance.
John Miller/AP
That's the opinion of a growing number of educators who are convinced that the current direction of reform – despite powerful backers that include President Obama, Bill Gates, and many influential academics and nonprofit leaders – is harming public schools rather than improving them.
While teachers unions and a number of prominent education thinkers have been critical of the reform policies for some time, a more concerted effort is emerging to organize those critics. They plan to take to the streets in Washington on Saturday in hopes of galvanizing attention around their cause. The Save Our Schools March has attracted endorsements from well-