Monica Caldwell Reacts to SOS March Showcases Worst in Teaching
I had said earlier that I would not be attending the dreadful Save Our Schools March in Washington this past Saturday. I can see now that I clearly made the right decision. According to park service officials, approximately 8,000 teachers came to the nation's capital to see among others, Hollywood's number one jerk Matt Damon talk about education. I find this laughable. As a Hollywood actor, what does he know about teaching? He needs to make some movies and leave education policy to the think tanks, philanthropists, politicians, and pundits.
What is probably most shocking is that teachers find Matt Damon to be a fitting role model for today's youth. I did a little research on Mr. Damon and what I found was shocking. Apparently, a late night comedian named Jimmy Kimmel was having a committed long term relationship with a comedian named Sarah Silverman (or so he thought). While this was going on, Matt Damon and Ms. Silverman were actually involved in
What is probably most shocking is that teachers find Matt Damon to be a fitting role model for today's youth. I did a little research on Mr. Damon and what I found was shocking. Apparently, a late night comedian named Jimmy Kimmel was having a committed long term relationship with a comedian named Sarah Silverman (or so he thought). While this was going on, Matt Damon and Ms. Silverman were actually involved in