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We are in Washington to Save Our Schools and We Want Answers! - Living in Dialogue
blogs.edweek.org - For me, the journey to today's Save Our Schools March started when I wrote an open letter to President Obama raising serious questions about where we are headed with education reform in America. Th...

For teachers unions, Ravitch unlikely ally - Abby Phillip
politico.com - Once a staunch opponent of teachers unions and proponent of a decidedly conservative agenda on education reform, Diane Ravitch has emerged as an unlikely hero to public school teachers and administ...

Extraordinary teaches can't overcome poor classroom situations
latimes.com - The kid in the back wants me to define "logic." The girl next to him looks bewildered. The boy in front of me dutifully takes notes even though he has severe auditory processing issues and doesn't ...

Save Our Schools March Calls For Teacher-Backed Reform
huffingtonpost.com - WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama was swept into office amid calls for change in the country on issues ranging from the economy to education. Almost three years after his election, those who ent...

Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
journal.buffalostate.edu - Table of Contents Educational Policy The Obama Education Files: Is There Hope to Stop the Neoliberal Agenda in Education? CarrPorfilio.PDFPaul R. Carr, Brad J. Porfilio 1-30 Explaining Obama: The C...

Live Twitter stream on
coopmike48 #EDU #SOSMarch Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers’ Rally « Diary of a Public School Teacher!: Matt Damon’s Speech t... http://bit.ly/mSD05910 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 #SOSMarch Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers’ Rally « Diary of a Public School Teacher! http://bit.ly/o1NY3u #Edu10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Representative Grijalva- I will not support this debt deal:http://t.co/uKWqb8c via @addthis9 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Save Our Schools March NEWS#SOSMarch http://bit.ly/oToXCp #Edu· reply · retweet · favorite
EducationSee all

Stop wasting our tax dollars on failed reforms! « Parents Across America
parentsacrossamerica.org - Jul 31, 2011 leoniehaimson There were so many great speeches at the SOS rally; but this is one of my favorites, from the fabulous Rita Solnit of Parents Across America and one of the organizers of ...

Teachers fear US spending cuts backlash - Americas
english.aljazeera.net - Several hundred teachers from across the US have rallied near the White House to call for radical changes to what they see as a flawed US educational system. The gathering on Saturday came as US co...

The Save Our Schools March - The Answer Sheet
washingtonpost.com - “I don’t know where I would be today if my teachers’ job security was based on how I performed on some standardized test.” That was actor Matt Damon talking to thousands of teachers, parents, princ...

PoliticsSee all
Representative Grijalva- I will not support this debt deal
sacramentopa.blogspot.com - When a crisis faces our nation, and decisions have to be made, we look to our elected officials to provide the guidance and direction that will help us persevere. In the face of this manufactured ...

The Anarcho-Rightists | Firedoglake
firedoglake.com - Regular Anarchist (photo: The Happy Robot) Raf had successfully infiltrated six Yankee mercs from the little-known but extremely violent American anarcho-rightist underground. The Littlest Jackal, ...

Bernie Sanders to Primary Obama? Don’t Make Me Laugh
fdlaction.firedoglake.com - Last Train to Loserville Every time the Democrats do something to betray the promises of the 2008 election and bitchslap the people who believed in them, someone comes into the comments and says “w...

Art & EntertainmentSee all

Revel, Rebel or Revolt? - Arlington, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog post
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Revel, Rebel or Revolt? - Arlington, VA, United States, ASCD EDge Blog postLooking AheadRevel, Rebel or Revolt?Walter’s blog archive: http://surfaquarium.com/blog.htmMirror site: http://su...

#SOSMarch Last Stand for Children First: Monica Caldwell Reacts to SOS March Showcases Worst in Teaching
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Last Stand for Children First: Monica Caldwell Reacts to SOS March Showcases Worst in TeachingMonica Caldwell Reacts to SOS March Showcases Worst in Teachingby Last Stand for ChildrenI had said ear...

Another Fine Mess | Firedoglake
firedoglake.com - Hardy: Isn’t this silly? Laurel: What? Hardy: Here we are two grown up men acting like a couple of children. Why, we oughta be ashamed of ourselves. Laurel: Well you started it. Hardy: No I didn’t....

LivingSee all
Education Can Be Reformed Before Poverty Is Eliminated
huffingtonpost.com - BOSTON -- Microsoft founder Bill Gates says success should not depend on the race or income of parents.Gates told the National Urban League on Thursday in Boston that education reformers must "end ...

Ramadan 2011 Mubarak! - Waleg.com
waleg.com - Jul 31, 2011 → By H.A.R.Another year, another Ramadan ... but this year it's a tad bit different. This year our brothers and sisters in many Arab countries are suffering and won't be enjoying the H...

Orlando: Not the Happiest Place on Earth
dailycensored.com - In the U.S., the selling pornography is a legally protected expression of free speech. Also protected speech is the publishing and handing out of racist hate material that advocates violence. Mar...

StoriesSee all
Matt Damon’s speech at the SOS march that made teachers cry « Parents Across America
parentsacrossamerica.org - Jul 31, 2011 leoniehaimson Matt Damon and his mom who introduced him, Nancy Carlsson Page. The full transcript is here.Excerpt: So the next time you’re feeling down, or exhausted, or unappreciated,...

Endorsements - Do They Matter?
saveseattleschools.blogspot.com - I'm like everyone else; I like to see who endorses whom. That said, I take it with a grain of salt. I've been to enough Dems endorsement to see that it really only takes a few people to push a ro...

AM I A Socialist Like Bernie Saunders? | Dailycensored.com
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - AM I A Socialist Like Bernie Saunders? | Dailycensored.comAM I A Socialist Like Bernie Saunders?Written by Ken_SayersDaily Journal (Opinion)Jul 31, 20110diggShare“AM I A Socialist Like Bernie Saund...

BusinessSee all

2007 Letter Clearing a Tabloid Comes Under Scrutiny
nytimes.com - LONDON — When a Parliamentary committee first confronted The News of the World with charges of phone hacking in 2007, the paper’s owners produced a reassuring, one-paragraph letter from a prominent...

NYC Educator: Murdoch And Klein Game The System
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - NYC Educator: Murdoch And Klein Game The SystemMurdoch And Klein Game The Systemby reality-based educatorThe NY Daily News reports that News Corporation, the media and news conglomerate owned and r...

All Education Matters: Quick Update: Default, Debt Ceiling Fiasco, and Interest on Your Student Loans
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - All Education Matters: Quick Update: Default, Debt Ceiling Fiasco, and Interest on Your Student LoansQuick Update: Default, Debt Ceiling Fiasco, and Interest on Your Student Loansby C. Cryn Johanns...

#sosmarchSee all

#SOSMarch Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers’ Rally « Diary of a Public School Teacher!
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers’ Rally « Diary of a Public School Teacher!Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers’ RallyI love this speech! I wonder how many politicians heard or read it?I flew overnight ...

#SOSMarch 'Save Our Schools' Leaders Craft Next Steps - Politics K-12 - Education Week
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - 'Save Our Schools' Leaders Craft Next Steps - Politics K-12 - Education Week'Save Our Schools' Leaders Craft Next Stepsby Michele McNeilBy guest blogger Nirvi Shah:Now that the Save Our Schools Mar...

#SOSMarch Jonathan Kozol on class size at the SOS march « Parents Across America
bigeducationape.blogspot.com - Jonathan Kozol on class size at the SOS march « Parents Across AmericaJonathan Kozol on class size at the SOS marchby leoniehaimsonHere is an excerpt; a tape of the full speech is here. Excerpt: I ...

#cnnRead this paperSee all
Actor Matt Damon rallies teachers in Washington
cnn.com - Damon said the things he values "came from the way that I was parented and taught," and that these qualities can't be tested. STORY HIGHLIGHTSDamon speaks out against standardized testingTeachers s...
