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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lessons in Negotiations from Marian Anderson and Eleanor Roosevelt | Firedoglake

Lessons in Negotiations from Marian Anderson and Eleanor Roosevelt | Firedoglake

Lessons in Negotiations from Marian Anderson and Eleanor Roosevelt

Marian Anderson on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

Watching the news last night hurt.

President Obama’s remarks on the budget agreement with the GOP included this signature line: “Like any worthwhile compromise, both sides had to make tough decisions and give ground on issues that were important to them. And I certainly did that.”

Yes, Mr. President, you certainly did. Nobody can “give ground” on important issues like you can. (See Iraq, the public option, Dawn Johnsen, . . .)

It wasn’t always like this in DC. Once upon a time, there were folks there who took on entrenched opponents