Do Private Schools Breed Less Tolerant Kids?
I went to private schools all the way through but always wished I'd done at least a stint at a public school (my parents tried Alcott with my older sister but that didn't work out very well). Even as a kid I thought that it would make me a better more well rounded person (as well as subject to a more diverse student life). So it was interesting for me to see an opinion piece in the New York Times over the weekend about how private school kids might be more predisposed to discrimination (intolerance) and dishonesty than public school kids. An
AM News: All Hail Frazier Elementary
After sit-in, no site yet for Whittier School library Tribune: Whittier parents said they were ready to evaluate several options for where to place a library in the school, after meeting with Chicago Public Schools officials Friday. In the meantime, they will continue to pursue their own proposal: installing a library in the field house where they staged a monthlong sit-in. .. High poverty, high scores WBEZ : It's 9 AM on Chicago's West Side, and in the cafeteria at Frazier International Magnet School, 200 African-American kids--girls in plaid skirts, boys in sweater vests-- recite a creed. CREED: I will seek to do my best, when completing my classwork and homework assignments. I will also read additional books in an effort to become a lifelong learner....