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Sunday, October 31, 2010

What is one of the most important aspects of multicultural issues in the schools today? (�Cu�l es uno de los aspectos m�s importantes de las cuestiones multiculturales en las escuelas hoy en d�a?) -

What is one of the most important aspects of multicultural issues in the schools today? (�Cu�l es uno de los aspectos m�s importantes de las cuestiones multiculturales en las escuelas hoy en d�a?) -

What is one of the most important aspects of multicultural issues in the schools today? (¿Cuál es uno de los aspectos más importantes de las cuestiones multiculturales en las escuelas hoy en día?)

Christopher Columbus.jpeg
(Mensaje se repite en Español) One of the most important aspects of multicultural issues in the schools today is who will set the curriculum and what that curriculum will consist of. As a social studies teacher, I think the debate that always ensues over the selection of new social studies textbooks in California is a good example of the two directions our schools might go and the ramifications of choosing one or the other.

Books that portrayed a history of America built by diverse peoples but based on the values of Europe were accepted because the textbook commission said they offered a more balanced and unbiased approach. However, large groups protested the books on the grounds that they distorted and marginalized the histories of many of California's ethnic and cultural communities.

At the center of this conflict is the fundamental struggle over inclusion and