New poll shows 49% of people think Mayor Bloomberg has failed in improving city's schools
Tuesday, September 7th 2010, 4:00 AM

Nearly half of NYers polled feel Mayor Bloomberg has 'failed in his goal' to improve city's schools.New Yorkers are giving Mayor Bloomberg a failing grade on his signature issue - improving the city's schools.
Asked whether Bloomberg has succeeded in "his top priority as mayor," nearly half, or 49%, said he'd "failed in his goal," a new Marist-Daily News poll finds. Thirty-eight percent said he'd succeeded.
But the majority of New Yorkers polled believe charter schools - key to Bloomberg's education reform efforts - are "good."
Results were more evenly split among New Yorkers who have kids in public school, with 46% saying he succeeded and 48% saying he hasn't.
"I would say no, based on the latest information about the
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