Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, July 15, 2010

News: Teaching or Preaching? - Inside Higher Ed

News: Teaching or Preaching? - Inside Higher Ed

Teaching or Preaching?

Controversy at Illinois involves academic freedom, gay rights, adjunct rights and separation of church and state. Where some see issues as black and white, others see a lot of gray.

A Moving Goalpost

NCAA aims to adjust measure it uses to judge academic progress of teams' athletes after concluding that it does not predict graduation as accurately as once thought.

Does the Messenger Matter?

Tom Harkin, the senator leading Congressional scrutiny of for-profit higher education, defends his reliance on an investor who bets that the sector has seen its best days.

Blackboard's Bid to Galvanize E-Texts

Academic publishers are trying to encourage professors and students to use e-books by pushing digital content through learning-management systems.