7.12.10 - Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott did something last week that you very rarely see in Austin: He stood up the legislative committee that controls the funding for his bureaucracy, the Texas Education Agency. School districts slow to tap into federal stimulus funds 7.12.10 - Federal authorities are encouraging school districts to spend education stimulus money to save jobs and blunt the effects of statewide budget cuts, but districts have been slow to draw their share of the funds. ... College orientation grows up 7.12.10 - A generation ago, college orientation lasted little more than a day. If parents were needed, it was mostly for their wallets. Now schools are putting more emphasis on orientation, hoping it will boost student success and avert problems during the school year. ... A Chosen Few Are Teaching for America 7.12.10 - MICHAEL WINERIP - Teach for America has become an elite brand that will help build a résumé, and in a bad economy, it's a two-year job guarantee with a good paycheck. |
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