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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This Week In Education TV: Inventing An Ed School Course On "The Wire"

This Week In Education

TV: Inventing An Ed School Course On "The Wire"

Zig-tech-300x282There are lots of folks already teaching The Wire in college and (some) high school classrooms, but little of it I've read about so far focused specifically on the education issues raised in the series and particularly in Season Four. That's why I was excited when my tocayo, Catholic University communications study professor Alexander Russo, emailed to ask what I'd suggest as background reading focused on that part of the show. He's teaching a broad-based course this summer and was looking for ideas about Season Four. And I, unused to being asked to do anything, desperate to be helpful, and to avoid doing what I should be doing, spent too much time asking around and thinking up what I would include in a reading list. The results -- including many ideas from friends and colleagues -- is included below. Take a look, and be sure to weigh in with any ideas or disagreements you might have. Maybe we can get someone to teach The Wire at an ed school, which to my knowledge hasn't happened yet.