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Friday, May 14, 2010

The Second-Rate Machiavellians at the Alabama Education Assocation | Intercepts

The Second-Rate Machiavellians at the Alabama Education Assocation | Intercepts

The Second-Rate Machiavellians at the Alabama Education Assocation

This Alabama gubernatorial primary campaign ad has gotten a lot of attention.

he ad is the product of the True Republican PAC, and it won’t surprise most people to learn that evolution is still a contentious issue in Alabama, or that a politician can be successfully attacked for being insufficiently zealous on the topic.
It did surprise most people that most of the True Republican PAC’s funding comes from theAlabama Education Association. As you can see from the story’s dateline, that news is almost a month old. AEA’s PAC donated money to five PACs, which then donated that money to the True Republican PAC, which then used it to make media buys using the same Denver-