Latest News and Comment from Education

Monday, May 10, 2010

Schools Matter: Valerie's Answer Sheet

Schools Matter: Valerie's Answer Sheet

Valerie's Answer Sheet

While Jay Mathews is busy reassuring his readers that his totally useless high school rankings list is safe despite the potential sale of Newsweek, or writing about a DI/Edison school reform attempts (without mentioning even a hint of criticism about either camp), Valerie Strauss is actually reporting on education news of significance. Today, Valerie posted a bit about the Imagine Schools situation in Florida and some of the other ongoing troubles. Jay spilled some ink about Imagine a few years back, but - surprise, surprise - it was a glowing review of Dennis and his crew of cronies, and he even managed to fit in a bit about KIPP. C'mon - don't act like you're surprised. From Valerie's WaPo page:

Charter schools: Is this the way it was supposed to work?

Learning Breaks Out in Britain During Testing Boycott That Affects 300,000 Children

Half of the 600,000 10 and 11 year-old children this morning (in Britain) will be reading books, poetry, and telling stories, rather than taking another meaningless standardized test. The boycott will continue through Wednesday. What joy, and what joy if only the prostisuits who run the NEA and the AFT would honor their Code of Ethics against child abuse here in America? From The Independent:
By Richard Garner, Education Editor
As many as 300,000 11-year-olds will find their national curriculum tests cancelled this morning.
The estimate of the amount of disruption caused by a boycott of the tests - in maths and English -