Latest News and Comment from Education

Friday, April 16, 2010

Education Notebook What’s this blog about? Rochester community

Education Notebook


CGR empowers the Rochester community to engage in informed debate, make wise community decisions, and hold our leaders accountable.

Our current partnership with Rochester City School District—acting as the public’s representative, documenting and reporting honestly on district progress, shortfalls and roadblocks—is an exciting new way of achieving our mission. Many in our community have lost faith in the district’s ability to significantly improve outcomes for our children. Yet our City’s future depends on its success.

When Superintendent Brizard and the Board of Education launched their strategic plan, they engaged us to assess the implementation of that plan. Foundation and donor funds also support this work. We have two main roles:

1. CGR acts as a mirror to the District, asking questions, sharing observations, identifying roadblocks.

2. CGR is a reputable and regular communication channel to the community. To many, RCSD must earn its credibility back, and the community needs more than annual test scores and graduation rates to assess its progress. Look for blogs, formal progress reports, and public forums on the District’s progress. With all that’s going on with education at the state and national levels, we hope to offer helpful context and analysis.

The work of reforming a school district is urgent, complex and just plain hard. CGR believes that by providing information, explanation and perspectives to the community, we can be a catalyst in moving education in Rochester forward.

Who are we?

Prior to our lives as CGR researchers, we were: a teacher, an economist, a reporter, a pastor, a youth worker, a professor. We are parents of RCSD students and of home schoolers. We are City and suburban residents and we are all passionate about education in Rochester. (See our bios.)