Latest News and Comment from Education

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education opposes using Teach For America in SCUSD

The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education opposes using Teach For America in SCUSD

Dear Board Members, 
The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education opposes using Teach For America in SCUSD. Today's editorial in the Bee says that Superintendent Raymond "sees potential for Teach for America at a handful of chronically struggling schools".  It would be helpful if Superintendent Raymond would give the public an explanation of why he sees such potential in this program compared to the interns SCUSD currently works with from CSUS. You voted last Thursday to lay off hundreds of teachers. One week later SCUSD is linked to Teach for America. There is something very wrong with this sequence of events. Regardless of the rationale, the message is clear: Superintendent Raymond doesn't value the teachers at our "chronically struggling schools", does not see the connection between the schools and the impoverished communities where the students live, and has not taken into account the choices previous superintendents have made in dealing with those schools. This editorial will undoubtedly undo whatever good will Superintendent Raymond created in his first months on the job. Some of SCUSD's best, most effective teachers will read the editorial and decide to retire.
If Superintendent Raymond did not intend to demoralize the teaching staff who specialize in math, science, engineering and finance (most of which are only taught in high schools), he should ask to do a guest editorial and rebut the implications of the one in today's Bee.
Heidi McLean, Chairperson
Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education