Latest News and Comment from Education

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Not now, not my education - Opinion

Not now, not my education - Opinion

Not now, not my education

Kelly Sheeran

Issue date: 3/26/10 Section: Opinion

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Teachers are slowly becoming few in quantity, while the number of students is always going to increase.
If states are not allowed to run a deficit, then of course they must cut spending wherever they can, but wouldn't it make more sense to put more money into education? Not only to account for the ever increasing number of students, but also because the younger, future voters, are being deprived of the knowledge and skills that they will need in order to help this country get back on its feet.
Educated people are the foundation for this nation's success. California has some of the best universities, not just in the nation, but in the world. Diverting funds and attention to possibly the most important aspect of American life could prove to garner some serious consequences.
When you stop and turn on the news these days, you realize that the problems Americans face are just as inflated and daunting as they have been since the American Revolution.
When the 1960's experienced a sudden change from the conservative afraid of the communist lurking underneath their bed to the peace-loving hippy, the government began to fear the younger generations.
A few college students misbehaved and if they happened to go to Berkeley 40 years ago, or even worse, Kent State, then they received a bullet from a government afraid of what a group of furious college kids were capable of.
Today, college students may be fed up with the wars, but violent protests just don't seem to be worth it anymore. Students, especially in California, are instead clinging on to the one