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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

UC Merced: Student's art offensive to chancellor - San Jose Mercury News

UC Merced: Student's art offensive to chancellor - San Jose Mercury News

MERCED, Calif.—Is it "Bad Romance" or bad art?
A series of photographs spoofing censorship and the chancellor of the University of California, Merced by using common campus objects and words from the Lady Gaga hit are causing a stir after they were banned from the school's Bobcat Family Art Show.
The offending stroke by artist Irene Tang, 19, is a condom placed over a microphone into which Chancellor Steve Kang is speaking.
School officials found the series of seven snapshots altered so that Kang is wearing a label with the words "Ooh," "Want," "Gaga," and Rahh" from the Lady Gaga song "distasteful and disrespectful."
In the photos with the condom, Tang gives Kang silver glasses and ribbons similar to something the flamboyant singer would wear.
University spokeswoman Patty Istas says the show is family oriented and that the piece is not appropriate for children to view.
In her defense Tang, an economics major, has said the piece is about students' love of two idols: Kang, who self-censors himself, and Lady Gaga, whom she says refuses to.