Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Proposed Federal Budget Will Increase Financial Aid Funding by $300 Million for 2011 - The Daily Californian

Proposed Federal Budget Will Increase Financial Aid Funding by $300 Million for 2011 - The Daily Californian:

"President Obama's proposed budget for fiscal year 2011 will increase funding for financial aid programs compared to this year.

According to the proposed budget, the Student Aid Administration-a federal agency that provides financial aid for higher education-will be allotted an additional $300 million in 2011 from an estimated $870 million in fiscal year 2010. Total mandatory outlays, which include funding for the Federal Pell Grant Program, would increase from an estimated $9.28 billion this year to an estimated $24.7 billion in fiscal year 2011.

UC Spokesperson Chris Harrington said the university is pleased that the reform introduced by Obama's proposed budget will increase the amount of Pell Grant awards students will be able to receive.

'It takes the Pell Grants and (puts them) on the mandatory side of the budget, and that brings added stability to the program,' he said."